JavaScript Eventing

Posted by Lan Nguyen on November 9, 2020

In JavaScript, things that happen in the browser are known as “events”. JavaScript “listens” for these events and can respond to it with event handling. There are a number of different events, the categories include resource, network, focus, websockets, session history, form, printing, keyoard, clipboard, mouse, and many more. The most common events include:

Keyboard Events: Keydown, keypress, keyup

Mouse Events: click, mousedown, mouseover, select, mouseleave, scroll

To set up event handling, we add a listener for the specific event, addEventListener() takes two arguments:

  1. event name
  2. a callback function that handles the event
const clicking = document.getElementById('name');
clicking.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
  alert('you clicked me!');

This code here triggers an alert when to pop up when click in the input area in the browser.